Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Be Smart With Your Shopping Cart

Be Smart With Your Shopping Cart

In these tough economic times, every little bit counts when making household budgets stretch. Though money may be tight, there are many simple ways to save by trimming your grocery bill.

Kim Danger, value expert and creator of www.mommysavers.com, offers some tips for how to get the most out of every dollar without sacrificing quality. You may be surprised to learn that saving big is not just about looking for the cheapest items on the shelf -- it's about shopping smart.

Coupon Shopping

The first steps to saving begin long before you set foot in the store. The days of waiting a whole week to clip a few coupons in the Sunday paper are long gone; just go online and let the virtual clipping begin. A great place to start is on the manufacturer's Web site. Companies update their sites frequently and it's a quick and easy way to find great deals. After arriving at the store, search for your favorite brands that are on sale and stock up. The biggest savings come from combining in-store deals with the coupons you've brought with you.

A Little Work Pays Off

If you're willing to put in a little bit of time in the kitchen, you can save big at the checkout. Veggies cost less when you peel and cut them yourself and fruit juice concentrate is more economical than buying pre-mixed juices. Another great way to save even more money is to create your own marinades, seasoning blends and salad dressings. Taking a few extra minutes in the kitchen can save a bundle instead of buying pre-prepared food from the store -- and also ensures that your family has a delicious and healthy meal.

Look Beyond the Price Tag

Evaluate your shopping choices carefully. For example, a good place to start is laundry detergent. A detergent like Tide may not be the least expensive product on the shelf, but because the next leading detergent can contain up to 80 percent water, you may end up having to use two or three capfuls to get your clothes clean -- and that isn't a bargain. It is a good reminder to look at a product's overall value if you really want to shop smart.

Make One, Freeze Another

When shopping without a list or on an empty stomach, you're more likely to make unnecessary purchases that can really affect your budget. Before you leave the house, plan your meals for the entire week and grab everything in one big trip. Another way to save time and money is to buy enough ingredients to make multiple meals that freeze well. This way, you can cook several portions of your favorite dish at once. Freeze what you don't eat, so when you don't feel like cooking, you have a great meal that is not only quick and easy to prepare, but is also cheaper than ordering in.

Courtesy of ARAcontent

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