Saturday, September 29, 2012

Halloween - Outdoor Decorations for Your Home

 Outdoor Decorations for Your Home


When it is time to get the decorations ready for Halloween, you want to be sure that you have the right things to spruce up the outside of your home as well as the inside.  Here are some great ideas that could help to welcome or maybe frighten visitors who dare to come a calling.

Halloween Lights

There are lots of different lighting fixtures that you can choose to put up that will convey a real sense of Halloween.  A cheap and cheerful option is to get some string lights.  You can actually purchase a string of LED lights that are shaped in the form pumpkins, skulls and coffins.  All you need is to have a power source nearby and you can place these lights around your front door or windows.

Pumpkins on Display

Your Halloween decorations would not be complete without the presence of a fully carved pumpkin.  You can choose to buy whatever size you like but you must have a pumpkin on display complete with a candle or LED light fitting inside.  If you have the skills and you are quite artistic, you will be able to carve out a fantastic shape that people will really admire. If you think that your skills are a little lacking, you can still get the perfect looking pumpkin.  There are lots of books that give you step by step instructions on how create different designs. 

A Skelton Standing Guard

A fun thing to have next to your door is a full size skeleton. This is something that is sure to make visitors pause for a second before they venture up to your door.  To make your skeleton look even more gruesome, you could buy some cobweb spray and apply it quite generously around the statue in order to give it a really ancient look. 

A Flying Witch in the Window

As well as a skeleton standing guard, why not add to the fun by getting a model of a flying witch to act as his accomplice.  There are different types of models available. You can choose to buy a fairly modern day looking witch or opt for a really scary looking one made with a green face, reminiscent of the evil witch in the Judy Garland movie classic The Wizard of Oz.

Ghostly Sightings at the Window

A really quick and easy way to transform your windows is to use decals.  You can get these sorts of stickers in a variety of sizes and they will not ruin your windows when you are ready to remove them.  Great choices for Halloween include adding images of ghostly figures at your window.  This is something that will make people do a double take each time they pass your home.
Halloween is a fantastic excuse to have a little fun so why not go all out and decorate the whole of your home and embrace the season completely.

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