Monday, March 3, 2008

Dr. Seuss Activities The Cat In The Hat

The Cat in the Hat: Activities

Balance it.

We read cat in the hat book - balanced the book then a tea cup and a few other small items on our heads like the cat. Kids really loved this (they are only 3)

Cat in the Hat Hats

We also made Cat in the Hat hats out of paper plate (cut out middle and use as the rim of the hat)and contruction paper (white paper with cut out red stripes) We did this activity on a rainy day.

Cat in the Hat Relay

We make hats using black construction paper, and tails using old black pantyhose, and then I give each child a paper plate and a paper cup on top. Each child then carries the plate and cup with one hand to a specific point and back, and then places their plate on top of the next person in line's plate, and they carry two, and so on. The children love to practice balancing, and even figure out how they can switch places, so that the older children carry more, so they can make it through the whole line! Pretty smart!

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