Friday, September 28, 2012

Halloween - Get The Candy Ready For The Trick or Treaters

The wonderful tradition of trick or treating is shared by both adults and children.  It is a time when you will open your front door and discover groups of children asking for treats. They will usually be dressed up in wonderful fancy dress costumes and will either have a little container or a bag where they can gather together the treats that they have collected from their very generous neighbours.
This tradition is based on an activity that dates back to the Middle Ages. It was called “Souling” and it was normally carried out by poor people who would go door to door begging for food.  In return they would offer to say prayers for the dead. 

These days this activity is based much more on the idea of fun rather than the necessity to be fed.

What to Give Trick or Treaters
There are plenty of things that you can offer little visitors as they knock on your door. If you want to gain a good reputation with the kids in your neighbourhood, you will want to ensure that you provide some really good stuff.  This will normally mean an assortment of sugar loaded candies.  You could choose to offer up healthy treats like granola bars or fresh fruit but it certainly won’t be appreciated by the kids who could retaliate with some awful trick being played on you.

A good idea is to stock up on candy that is easy to hand out. The perfect solution would be to purchase chocolate bars in snack size portions.  Things like Snickers, Mar bars and Milky Way bars are good choices.

Hard candy is also a great option.  You can buy king size packs which will definitely go a long way.

Remember Health & Safety – Only Offer Wrapped Candy Goods

You will want to ensure that whatever you have on offer all the candies and chocolate bars or bon bons are provided in individual wrappers. If you have placed everything in one huge container, then allowing different children to stick their hands in to choose their own gifts could lead to an issue of hygiene.  In order to prevent any unfortunate little accidents or cross contamination, only provide wrapped treats.

The other benefit of offering up wrapped goodies is that if you end up with surplus stock at the end of the evening, you can still enjoy the treats yourself or keep them for another time.
So this Halloween, make sure that you are ready to receive visits from the cute little trick or treaters in your area.  To provide the best treats possible, order your stock in good time and have them ready and waiting at the door. 

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